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Forum:Free Space
Topic:Walt Cunningham's NASA memorabilia stolen
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AstronautBrianI doubt the thieves knew/know what they have because they are probably not the brightest crayons in the box, but if anything rare or unusual shows up in an auction somewhere, Mr. Cunningham should be informed in case it is a stolen item.
Rick MulheirnAbsolutely.
nasamadI'm sure if Dot and Walt were to share a list of what items were taken with the cS community we'd all keep an eye on sales and auctions for them.

It's in all our interests to ensure we don't buy stolen items even innocently as there's no protection in those cases, it returns to the rightful owner I believe.

I can remember a guy having a multisigned book stolen at Burbank many years ago, I only met him once but still remember his name and always kept an eye out for that book. Glad to say Robert told me he finally got it back years later.

Hopefully we could make the Cunningham's possessions too hot to handle.

Robert PearlmanI reached out to Walt and let him know our desire to help. If and when he can share more information, I'll pass it along it here.
p51Stealing his stuff is like stealing a fine piece of art. You can't sell it anywhere, as anybody who might give what it's worth would know it was stolen. That means the people you could fence it to would be a very small group indeed.

I also agree the people who did this had a clue what it was. I shudder at the thought of what might happen once the thieves learn/have learned they can't do anything with all that.

GACspaceguyAbsolutely terrible. I agree our community (including auction houses) is the only place items could be sold for any value so we certainly can help in the recovery task.

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